[Gt-eos] Launching the GridCF

Mischa Salle msalle at nikhef.nl
Thu Nov 2 11:57:51 CET 2017

Hi all,

On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 09:13:54AM +0100, Oliver Keeble wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> Yes, I'm aware of those pull requests, a couple of them are ours (via
> Mattias)! However, they are already released as downstream patches in
> Mattias's EPEL packages. I wonder if Globus plan a final release? That would
> probably be the one to base our first 'cleanup' release on.


But before that we should also make sure we can reproduce the whole
build flow and get fully binary-compatible packages out of there. No
need for a publicly announced release of those, more a general
rehearsal, preferably with some sites willing to try them out.


> On 01/11/17 20:28, Brian Bockelman wrote:
> > Hi Oliver,
> > 
> > One thing to think about is the difference between "official end of
> > support" and "effective end of support".
> > 
> > For example, look at the number of pending pull requests that contain
> > relevant patches (but haven't even gotten a comment from upstream):
> > 
> > https://github.com/globus/globus-toolkit/pulls
> > 
> > [One of these even includes a fairly trivial DoS.]
> > 
> > It'd sure be nice to have a mechanism for getting these fixes out on the
> > street beyond asking Mattias Ellert to do more work.
> > 
> > Matyas did some nice work over the last few days to get Travis-CI
> > integration mostly working standalone.  The ultimate goal is to have CI
> > builds that generate souce tarballs + binaries tarballs + RPMs + debs.
> >  This is the type of work that will really benefit from getting started
> > relatively early.  I'm sure I'm forgetting other stuff.
> > 
> > Brian
> > 
> > PS - I'd really like to get names suggested for the PMC.  I'd love to
> > hear nominations throughout the day, but if I don't hear any, I'll
> > happily nominate based on those who have responded on this mailing list.
> > 
> > > On Nov 1, 2017, at 11:09 AM, Oliver Keeble <oliver.keeble at cern.ch
> > > <mailto:oliver.keeble at cern.ch>> wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > Brian - thanks for your efforts, at CERN we're happy with what you
> > > propose and support the idea of getting the PMC up and running asap
> > > and using that forum to define the details of how we want to manage
> > > the software lifecycle.
> > > 
> > > About timelines, from reading the following
> > > 
> > > https://github.com/globus/globus-toolkit/blob/globus_6_branch/support-changes.md
> > > 
> > > I conclude that the Globus github repo isn't going anywhere, neither
> > > in Jan nor Dec next year. Thus for us at least, the Jan 2018
> > > deadline is pretty weak, I would favour waiting until then before
> > > forking and running through a first release.
> > > 
> > > Oliver.
> > > 
> > > On 27/10/17 19:39, Brian Bockelman wrote:
> > > > Hi all,
> > > > Frank Scheiner beat me to the punch and put together a GridCF
> > > > presence on GitHub.  Not seeing any negative responses yet, I
> > > > put together a few scratch webpages and presences
> > > > (https://gridcf.org).  Please excuse my enthusiasm.
> > > > I propose that we should officially launch the Grid Community
> > > > Forum (GridCF).  The GridCF should be an organization to provide
> > > > broad community-based support for core software packages in grid
> > > > computing; it is a group of collaborators and not a legal
> > > > entity.  It will not own any copyrights or trademarks on the
> > > > software it produces; copyright ownership is maintained by the
> > > > contributor.
> > > > Along these lines, I propose we do the following:
> > > > 1) Propose an initial project management committee.  To involve
> > > > all organizations with a stake in the health of the GridCF, I
> > > > would like to have one participant in the PMC from each
> > > > organization that considers themselves a stakeholder.
> > > >   - *However*, after the initial formation of the PMC, I propose
> > > > all participants be considered individuals.  They are certainly
> > > > allowed (encouraged!) to advocate for their organization's
> > > > interests, but we don't formally maintain a balance of
> > > > organizations on the PMC.
> > > >   - That said, I personally think it is strongly in the PMC's
> > > > interest to maintain a balance across all stakeholders.
> > > >  However, that is up to the PMC and I would be reluctant to
> > > > codify it in any formal rules.
> > > >   - I propose we should feel free to nominate individuals to
> > > > represent organizations.  I leave it up to the organization to
> > > > determine their internal process of selecting individuals.
> > > >   - I also propose we let organizations self-identify as wanting
> > > > to participate and err on the side of inclusion.  My initial
> > > > thinking here is to consider grid organizations (examples
> > > > including EGI, NorduGrid, OSG, PRACE, XSEDE, etc) but would be
> > > > fine with a broader scope.
> > > >   - It's hard to manage with too-large groups: I think it would
> > > > be most productive with 5-10 individuals on the PMC.
> > > > 2) I propose we should quickly adopt a simple governance
> > > > structure.  I put together a draft here:
> > > > https://github.com/gridcf/gridcf.github.io/pull/1
> > > >   - Comments are welcome either via mail list or GitHub.  Feel
> > > > free to comment on the issue or post a PR to my branch.
> > > > 3) With a list of participants and a proposed governance
> > > > structure, I claim we should vote to officially create the forum
> > > > with the governance structure posted on the GitHub branch.  For
> > > > the initial vote, I would like the PMC to be unanimous*.
> > > > Please forgive the level of formality at the very beginning
> > > > here; I think it would be useful to get this stuff out of the
> > > > way as soon as possible (as opposed to when the first
> > > > disagreements hit!).  I aim to be less formal once things really
> > > > get rolling, particularly because I'm not good at these sorts of
> > > > things.
> > > > I would also suggest that we try to not nitpick the setup or
> > > > text: once the forum exists, it is less awkward to fine-tune or
> > > > change the structure.  We *should* make changes necessary to
> > > > maximize the potential for success.
> > > > In terms of timelines:
> > > > - Between now and Friday, November 3, 2018, we should discuss
> > > > this proposal and try to build a list of names for the PMC.
> > > > - Starting Friday, November 3, 2018, we should aim to hold a
> > > > vote, keeping the vote open until November 7 and posting the
> > > > results on this list.
> > > > It's a quick timeline, but I feel it will help us keep from
> > > > over-thinking it.
> > > > Once we agree the forum should exist, here's an example of the
> > > > actions I think we should take rather quickly:
> > > > - Adopt a code base for the GCT.  A few of us will tinker with
> > > > the repository here (https://github.com/gridcf/gct) in the
> > > > meantime, but it wouldn't be official until a vote occurs.
> > > > - Vote on a list of code committers, being as inclusive as reasonable.
> > > > - Put together a timeline for a first release of the GCT.  Given
> > > > we're working against a January 2018 deadline, I would aim to
> > > > have the first code release be prior to that and essentially
> > > > consist of the current fork point from the Globus Toolkit.
> > > > Phew - thanks for staying with me!  I would like to thank you in
> > > > advance for enthusiastically contributing to the (hopefully)
> > > > forthcoming GridCF!
> > > > Brian
> > > > * It's a bit tricky to state precisely what unanimity means
> > > > within a group of people that does not exist in order create
> > > > their existence.  I am hoping that everything I write is as
> > > > widely acceptable as possible and that we all can come together
> > > > constructively in order to get things off the ground.
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > Gt-eos mailing list
> > > > Gt-eos at mailman.egi.eu
> > > > http://mailman.egi.eu/mailman/listinfo/gt-eos
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Oliver Keeble                      Information Technology Department
> > > oliver.keeble at cern.ch                                           CERN
> > > +41 75 411 5965                                    CH-1211 Geneva 23
> > 
> -- 
> Oliver Keeble                      Information Technology Department
> oliver.keeble at cern.ch                                           CERN
> +41 75 411 5965                                    CH-1211 Geneva 23
> _______________________________________________
> Gt-eos mailing list
> Gt-eos at mailman.egi.eu
> http://mailman.egi.eu/mailman/listinfo/gt-eos

Nikhef                      Room  H155
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The Netherlands             Email msalle at nikhef.nl
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