[Gt-eos] gct and gsissh

Mischa Salle msalle at nikhef.nl
Tue Nov 28 18:40:08 CET 2017

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 06:00:29PM +0100, Paul Millar wrote:
> > For the same reason, the really very useful gssapi-fixing patch has
> > never made it upstream, although it's adapted by both Debian and
> > RedHat (pushed by the moonshot people who also need it), and would
> > probably make the actual gsi-openssh a lot easier to implement: I
> > think one could do it with a stock openssh plus an addon library.
> This sounds like a fork of OpenSSH in all but name.
Yes, although I should refine a bit. On client side, you could use stock
openssh (assuming the aforementioned RedHat/Debian patch), on server
side some patching (although minor) would still be needed.
This is at least my understanding of the status.


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