[Gt-eos] Determining project collaboration and ownership

Brian Lin blin at cs.wisc.edu
Thu Oct 19 20:33:08 CEST 2017

Hi all,

Parallel to the source code org/repo location discussion, we should 
start discussing the details of the collaboration effort. We have put 
together a list of OSG packages that require Globus and which Globus 
packages we require here 
Are there similar EGI/WLCG/etc lists so we can find where we can split 
the support load?

For all the shared items we'll need to decide on the ownership model. 
Here are some ideas:

- Single-owner: there has been a suggestion where the "owner" of the 
piece of software would rotate amongst the various orgs where the 
"owner" would be responsible for support, development, and releases. 
We'd have to have some sort of system in place for critical/intensive 
issues where other organizations could be called on for assistance.
- Multi-owner model: Since I imagine most issues will originate from 
within each orgs already established support channels, the org that gets 
the issue owns the development for it (with the ability to pull in other 
orgs for critical/intensive issues). Then the development, testing, and 
release all have to be signed off by each collaborative organization.
- Some combination of the above
- Something else entirely

Support, documentation, testing, and release strategies will likely flow 
from the ownership model we choose.

- Brian

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