[Gt-eos] gtk source repo location

Mischa Salle msalle at nikhef.nl
Fri Oct 20 13:57:22 CEST 2017

Hi Baptiste, others,

I think that whatever acronym we use, there probably is already a
library with that name around. It's mostly important to prevent clashes
with similar tools I think. I was wondering whether the term gsi is
perhaps a good option instead of globus? So gsi-toolkit? It's known, not
copyrighted or trademarked as far as I know, and I think most of our use
of the globus-toolkit that we need has somewhere todo with GSI.

There is by the way another important issue with not being able to use
the word globus: it's in almost every library name in the toolkit. So if
we want to/must remove it from there too, we need a rebuild of each
globus-depending software product... It also could mean having all the
products needing re-adoption into Fedora/EPEL and Debian.

    Best wishes,

On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 01:10:49PM +0200, Baptiste Grenier wrote:
> Hi all,
> I answered the poll, and added some custom propositions, if possible I find
> appreciable to not have an acronym that would perhaps look cryptic:
> - for the organisation: gridtools or gridcommunity (we could try to add  a
> dash in the name as it makes it look nicer, but it might cause  problems
> with some github-related tools that are a bit buggy)
> - for the project: open-grid-toolkit or maybe opengt if we want to hide  the
> grid word as pointed out by Mischa.
> The fact is that grid is also present in most of the propositions for the
> organisation name...
> Best,
> Baptiste
> -- 
> Baptiste Grenier
> EGI Foundation - Operations Officer
> Phone:              +31 627 860 852
> Skype:         baptiste.grenier.egi

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