[Gt-eos] Determining project collaboration and ownership

Mátyás Selmeci matyas at cs.wisc.edu
Fri Oct 20 19:24:56 CEST 2017

On 10/20/17 09:14, Baptiste Grenier wrote:
> For EGI we are currently tracking an assessment of this on the 
> following wiki page: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/Globus_EOL_assessment

Thanks, this is useful. I see in many of the entries you are worried 
about GridFTP. OSG is currently relying heavily on GridFTP and has no 
plans to move away from it (quite the opposite in fact), so you don't 
have to be worried about lack of maintenance for that part.

> ## Globus products
> * GRAM5
> * GridFTP

You mention GRAM, but none of the packages you listed are related to 
GRAM. HTCondor relies on the GRAM client tools (globus-gram-client-tools 
and dependencies) so we'll help maintain that, too, but we have no need 
for the job managers, SEG, or managed fork.


Mátyás (Mat) Selmeci
Open Science Grid Software Team / Center for High-Throughput Computing
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences

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