[Gt-eos] myproxy w/o globus

Basney, Jim jbasney at illinois.edu
Fri Oct 27 18:37:32 CEST 2017

Hi all,

Venkat and I have been exploring what it would take to make a MyProxy release without Globus dependencies. Our current work in progress is at https://github.com/ncsa/myproxy. We welcome your input and help!

Some notes about current status:
* only the myproxy-server and myproxy-logon/myproxy-get-delegaton build targets work.
* Only CA function is working. No proxy repository function yet.
* Server hard-coded to use /etc/grid-security/myproxy/host*.pem
* myproxy-logon writes to /tmp/x509up_u$UID (ignoring X509_USER_PROXY)
* myproxy-logon does STRICT_RFC2818 server certificate name checking
* other disabled functionality: accepted_credentials_mapfile, certificate_mapfile, OCSP, VOMS
* probably other things are broken...

I think the next big task would be to re-implement the proxy repository functionality using OpenSSL proxy cert APIs rather than Globus APIs.

Interested in what you all think. Is this a worthwhile effort to continue?

Jim (and Venkat)

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