[Gt-eos] Fwd: New globus-gssapi-gsi version default to TLSv1.2

Paul Millar paul.millar at desy.de
Fri Sep 21 15:41:45 CEST 2018

On 21/09/18 15:33, Maarten Litmaath wrote:
> Hi all,
> do you have comments on this matter?

Is the "pilot" FTS instance finding SRM storage sites that are not 
supporting TLS v1.2 because the version of globus-gssapi-gsi was updated 
on that (those) machine(s)?

Does this problem affect only FTS, or are clients installed on the WN 
also affected?

Has anyone tested a machine with this against any dCache instances?

For me, the last question is the most pressing.

If the answer is "no" then how can we change this, so dCache instances 
are being tested?



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