[Gt-eos] how to handle security issues

Mischa Salle msalle at nikhef.nl
Tue May 21 19:27:47 CEST 2019

Hi Frank,

On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 03:52:58PM +0200, Frank Scheiner wrote:
> > A private bugtracker might be a useful tool too. Not sure how we should
> > arrange that though?
> E.g. GitLab allows for confidential issues ([1]), but creating a
> confidential issue still requires to check a box and maybe also to choose a
> generic issue title. Not to speak of a GitLab account.
> [1]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/confidential_issues.html
> Using an email address with private archive would be simpler to use and
> reporters can easily interact with the "issue" by just replying to an email
> and we need to communicate with them anyhow.
Certainly for now that's fine with me.
If we really see a need arise, we can discuss again (unless someone
already knows of a tracker we could use of course).

Nikhef                      Room  H155
Science Park 105            Tel.  +31-20-592 5102
1098 XG Amsterdam           Fax   +31-20-592 5155
The Netherlands             Email msalle at nikhef.nl
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