[Gt-eos] how to handle security issues

Mischa Salle msalle at nikhef.nl
Wed May 22 15:51:23 CEST 2019

Hi Baptiste, others,

On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 03:33:47PM +0200, Baptiste Grenier wrote:
> Hi all,
> Le 21/05/19 à 19:22, Mischa Salle téléscripta :
> > > > I've requested the mailing list creation with you, Mischa and myself as
> > > > initial administrators:
> > > > https://ggus.eu/index.php?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=141309
> > > Much obliged.
> > +1 from me, many thanks!
> So the security at gridcf.org mailing list was created and should now be
> working.
> As said Mischa, Frank and myself are the current admins, and noone else is
> registered yet.
> Archives are restricted to members, posting is allowed for non members, and
> new members should be validated by admins:
> https://mailman.egi.eu/mailman/listinfo/security

Perfect, many thanks for this!
I'll try out 2 mails, one from a registered and one from a
non-registered address.
We should now also get the list of people who should be on it.

And we should add a note in
but perhaps also in some other places, such as in the documentation of
the GCT itself (https://github.com/gridcf/gct-docs) and somewhere in the
docs in https://github.com/gridcf/gct


Nikhef                      Room  H155
Science Park 105            Tel.  +31-20-592 5102
1098 XG Amsterdam           Fax   +31-20-592 5155
The Netherlands             Email msalle at nikhef.nl
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