[Discuss] gt-eos -> discuss renaming

Baptiste Grenier baptiste.grenier at egi.eu
Tue May 28 15:39:51 CEST 2019

Le 28/05/19 à 15:27, Mischa Salle téléscripta :
>Dear Baptiste, Matthew,

Dear Mischa,

>thanks for taking care of the renaming! Could one of you also change the
>short description of the list, which was "End of Support of Globus Toolkit"
>I suggest to make that something like
>    Grid Community Forum discussion list
>or so.

It's done, I've also (tried) to add Frank, Maarten and you as list 
administrators, let me know if you manage to access it.


>Best wishes,


Baptiste Grenier | Operations Officer | baptiste.grenier at egi.eu
EGI Foundation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Phone: +31 (0) 627 860 852 | Skype: baptiste.grenier.egi | @baptgrenier

EGI: Advanced Computing for Research
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