[Discuss] Globus retirement considerations in WLCG

Balazs Konya balazs.konya at hep.lu.se
Mon Apr 27 14:07:04 CEST 2020

hi guys,

On 2020.04.21. 22:31, Mischa Salle via discuss wrote:
>> which products do we know depend on LCMAPS?
> not sure, but I'm pretty sure the ARC CE does 

LCMAPS is not a critical technology in ARC. ARC offers many other (native) ways 
of implementing the features one can get from LCMAPS.

As a matter of fact, the only area where LCMAPS is not yet replaceable in ARC is 
     the ARC-ARGUS integration when jobs are submitted to ARC via the gridftp 
jobpluggin interface.  EMIES/SOAP jobs and the new REST jobs won't even have 
this dependency for the ARGUS integration.

to sum up: globus dependency via LCMAPS is not a showstopper for ARC at all.


Balázs Kónya

Technical Coordinator
NorduGrid Collaboration                 www.nordugrid.org

Lund University                         balazs.konya at hep.lu.se
Department of Physics                   phone:   +46 46 222 8049
BOX 118, S - 221 00 LUND, Sweden        fax:     +46 46 222 4015

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