[Discuss] UberFTP?

Steve Traylen steve.traylen at cern.ch
Fri Jan 10 09:34:24 CET 2020

On 09/01/2020 23:31, Mátyás Selmeci via discuss wrote:
> On 1/9/20 3:39 PM, Mátyás Selmeci wrote:
>> On 1/9/20 10:06 AM, Frank Scheiner wrote:
>>> Hi Mátyás,

Released new uberftp packages today and referenced this thread in the patch
that was added.

* f31 - https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-ad16cdb23c
* el8 - https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2020-d2be41d1a7
* el7 - https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2020-3b13943e25
* el6 - https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2020-63a6bf516f


>>> On 09.01.20 16:44, Mátyás Selmeci via discuss wrote:
>>>> Sorry for the thread necromancy but the UberFTP GitHub repo
>>>> (https://github.com/JasonAlt/UberFTP) has been explicitly
>>>> archived by the owner, which IMO gives us the license
>>>> to adopt it.  Are we willing to do that?
>>> I'm with you, uberftp is a useful tool (e.g. allows direct access to GridFTP command channel) and should be conserved - also because I make use of it in gtransfer ([1]) :-).
>>> [1]: http://gtransfer.org/
>>> We should also contact Jason Alt that we would like to adopt it: In addition to the patches from the uberftp forks ([2]), maybe he also has some patches laying around that could be useful.
>>> [2]: https://github.com/JasonAlt/UberFTP/network
>>>> It would be good
>>>> to have some sort of upstream if EPEL/Fedora are going to
>>>> continue carrying it.
>>> I hope they are.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Frank
>> OK, I'll contact Jason.
>> -Mat
> Jason responded:
> On 1/9/20 4:24 PM, Jason Alt wrote:
>> It's all yours. I don't think anyone else is using this anymore. I fairly sure NCSA is not using it, definitely not on any compute clusters.
>> The only updates pending were some rejected PRs. All of the 'mssftp' code bits could be ripped out since NCSA doesn't use it. And it really needs the build system updates. But if you are supporting GT, than that should be a no brainer for you.
>> Good luck,
>> Jason
> So I think we have the go-ahead.
> -Mat
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