[Discuss] Seeking new GridCF Yum repository host

Brian Lin blin at cs.wisc.edu
Fri Mar 5 17:58:10 CET 2021

Hi all,

At the end of February, the OSG released its first version of the 
software stack without Globus or GridCF software [1]. In turn, the OSG 
is set to retire the use of GridCF components in its software stack at 
the end of February 2022 [2].

We are seeking volunteers to host the GridCF Yum repository [3], 
currently hosted by the OSG, before the February 2022 retirement date

Brian Lin
OSG Software Area Coordinator

[1] https://opensciencegrid.org/docs/release/osg-36/
[3] https://repo.gridcf.org/

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