[Discuss] GCT 6.2.20220524 released

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Wed Jun 8 10:47:38 CEST 2022

Dear community,

the GridCF is pleased to announce a new release of the GCT: GCT version 
6.2.20220524 is a maintenance release and includes all changes since the 
last maintenance release from September 2021.

# GCT 6.2.20220524 (maintenance release) #

## Changes ##

globus-common 18.13:
* Simplify code (#185)

globus-ftp-control 9.10:
* Fix cut-and-paste error in Makefile (#189)

globus-gsi-cert-utils 10.10:
* Add missing comma (#182; #185)
* Can't use non-existing or non-accessible files as source for random 
data (#193)

globus-gsi-openssl-error 4.4:
* Function names are (null) in OpenSSL 3.0 - adapt expected test output 

globus-gssapi-gsi 14.20:
* Don't test TLS 1.0 and 1.1 when using openssl 3.0.1 or later (#178)
* Remove duplicate variables in test environment (#178)
* Better logic for TLS 1.3 special handling (#174; #177)
* Disable sending session tickets after the TLS 1.3 handshake (#195; #196 )

globus-net-manager 1.7:
* Fix cut-and-paste error in Makefile (#189)

gsi-openssh 8.7p1c:
* Include GSI-OpenSSH 8.7p1 w/HPN 15.2 from Fedora 35 (#191)

myproxy 6.2.14:
* OpenSSL 3.0 compatibility (#171; #173)
* Code indentation fixing and removal of white space at end of line (#183)
* Use existing socket during trust root retrieval (#183)
* Fix wrong name in `myproxy-store -V` output (#183)
* Use write+rename when changing passphrase (#183)
* Improve detection of an encrypted private key (#183)
* Fix broken snprintf format in test script (#183)
* Support both SHA1 and SHA256 (#192)
* Fix double free bug (#192)

Multiple packages:
* Use sha256 hash when generating test certificates (#178)
* Use sha256 when signing request (#178)
* Fix some compiler and doxygen warnings (#179)

## News ##

This version of the GCT includes GSI-OpenSSH 8.7p1c w/HPN 15.2 from 
Fedora 35 in its sources. Downstream the versions of the respective 
distributions are available (with the exception of Debian, see below).

## Commits ##


## Documentation ##

- Release: https://gridcf.org/gct-docs/latest/index.html
- API: https://gridcf.org/gct-docs/api/latest/index.html => tbd


**Corresponding CI builds**



**Download URL for GCT full source tarball (i.e. Source Installer):**


**SHA512 hash of tarball:**


 > **NOTICE:** Singular source tarballs of GCT components can be found 
on https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/. New tarballs for this release 
are dated 2022-05-27 and also listed here:
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_authz-4.6.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_common-18.13.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_ftp_client-9.8.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_ftp_control-9.10.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gass_copy-10.12.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gass_server_ez-6.2.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gass_transfer-9.4.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gatekeeper-11.4.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gram_client-14.6.tar.gz
 > * 
 > * 
 > * 
 > * 
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gram_protocol-13.6.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gridftp_server-13.24.tar.gz
 > * 
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gsi_cert_utils-10.10.tar.gz
 > * 
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gsi_proxy_core-9.8.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gsi_sysconfig-9.5.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gssapi_error-6.3.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gssapi_gsi-14.20.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gss_assist-12.7.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_io-12.4.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_net_manager-1.7.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_proxy_utils-7.3.tar.gz
 > * 
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_simple_ca-5.4.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_xio-6.6.tar.gz
 > * 
 > * 
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/gsi-openssh-8.7p1c.tar.gz
 > * https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/myproxy-6.2.14.tar.gz


**Packages are available from:**

* [Debian](https://www.debian.org/) (for Debian unstable (Sid), 
excluding gsi-openssh)
* [EPEL](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL) (for Red Hat Enterprise 
Linux 7, 8 and 9 and CentOS 7, CentOS Stream 8 and 9, RockyLinux 8 and 
Scientific Linux 7 (**currently in updates-testing!**))
* [Fedora](https://fedoraproject.org/) (for Fedora 34, 35 and 36 
(**currently in updates-testing!**))
* [openSUSE Build 
Service](https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:frank_scheiner:gct) (for 
SLES 12 (SP3), 12 (SP4), 12 (SP5), 15, 15 (SP1), 15 (SP2), 15 (SP3) and 
OpenSUSE Leap 15.3 and 15.4)


All details about this release can also be found on the corresponding 
GitHub releases page ([1])

[1]: https://github.com/gridcf/gct/releases/tag/v6.2.20220524

Best regards,
The GridCF

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