[Discuss] GSISSH Maintainer?

Mattias Ellert mattias.ellert at physics.uu.se
Thu Jul 11 11:25:36 CEST 2024

tor 2024-05-09 klockan 16:47 -0400 skrev Chris Rapier via discuss:
> Hi,
> I was hoping to contact the GSISSH maintainer. I am the developer of
> HPN-SSH which is part of GSISSH and I'd like to ask the maintainer a
> couple of questions. Specifically, I was contacted by a government
> user
> and they seem to be having some performance issues. This issue might
> be
> because of the version of HPN-SSH that's been incorporated. So I
> wanted
> to ask what version is being used and to see if I can do anything to
> help incorporate the latest version.
> Thanks,
> Chris Rapier
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Hi Chris.

Sorry for not answering in a timely manner.

In the versions of gsi-openssh I maintain in Fedora and EPEL, I have
based them on the versions of openssh that are available in these
distributions applying the same patches, and then put additional
patches on top of that. The reason for this is to try not to introduce
issues that are not present in the default versions in the

I have submitted updates to the packages, that are available in fedora-
updates-testing and epel-testing based on the latest tags in the git
repository based on each of the base versions in each distribution.

I am not a fan of the test in the client for the server version and
then changing the name of the scp command sent according to the test.
This seems to be a major source of incompatibility problems between
different versions.

An idea I had, but did not test yet, so it might not be a working
solution: Would it be possible to on the server create a directory e.g.
/usr/libexec/<some-name>/bin that contain a symbolic link scp pointing
the the renamed scp binary in /usr/bin, and then change the configure


to include this directory first in the paths. Then the selection of the
scp binary would be handled on the server side, and the client wouldn't
have to guess so much.


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