[Gt-eos] face to face meeting and gct release

Brian Bockelman bbockelm at cse.unl.edu
Wed Dec 20 04:28:19 CET 2017


It might be a tough squeeze to get a trip to Europe in that timeframe.  As some of you know, I'm perfectly happy to attend videoconferences at 2am!

Looking at the calendar, any thoughts about the WLCG workshop in March?  (March 26 - 29)

Watching the PRs, I think Matyas has gotten the end-to-end for Travis-CI builds working (build, test, upload to GitHub for release tags) that would be necessary for someone like Mattias to utilize for a Debian / Ubuntu / Fedora / EPEL build.

Mat - maybe start a separate thread updating everyone with where we are?


> On Dec 15, 2017, at 5:33 AM, Mischa Salle <msalle at nikhef.nl> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> that sounds like a good idea, although I personally cannot yet say
> whether I will be able to join. It's a busy time with many other
> meetings. I heard rumours about the week of 19 February-23 February (via
> EGI fedcloud)?
> Cheers,
> Mischa
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 09:59:15AM +0100, Matthew Viljoen wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I'd like to propose that we aim to have a face to face meeting to cover
>> progress.  In Europe the EOSC-hub project is about to get under way which
>> involves major stakeholders in Europe (EGI, EUDAT, CERN).  In
>> February/March there is likely to be a first major meeting for this project
>> where all participants will be invited - perhaps we can aim to host a
>> meeting to discuss gt-eos at this point?
>> Also, it may be helpful as we move into 2018 for us to agree on a timeline
>> for a gct release that will let developers plan to migrate from GT
>> libraries, well in time for the cessation of GT security updates in Dec
>> 2018.
>> Cheers
>> Matt
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> Nikhef                      Room  H155
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