[Gt-eos] Proposal for PMC nominees

Brian Bockelman bbockelm at cse.unl.edu
Thu Nov 2 04:20:26 CET 2017

Hi all,

No one took my subtle suggestion about starting to suggest names for the proposed GridCF PMC.  In such cases, I often find the best way to motivate discussion is to put forth a concrete proposal that folks can either like (or use as a springboard for better ideas!).

Accordingly, here's who I'd like to nominate to serve on the GridCF PMC, in alphabetical order:
- Jim Basney
- Mattias Ellert
- Oliver Keeble
- Brian Lin
- Mischa Salle
- Frank Scheiner

Again, this is primarily based on who has been responding to the list, a rough guidance to have the starting composition have a representative from each stakeholder with significant grid investments, and trying to keep things to O(5-10) individuals.

To copy/paste from my proposed governance document:
Project managers serve as a special custodians of the community forum, making significant decisions for the forum, such as adding new members, changing the governance, or disbanding the forum itself.

The PMC serves as an important mechanism for guiding the GridCF and keeping the community healthy.  I do not see it technical work or day-to-day activity here as a prerequisite to serving on the committee (but certainly many will chose to participate technically too!).  There will be a time investment around the startup, but I expect this to flatten over the next month or two.  Depending on how the PMC would like to run itself after things get going, membership could be for a long- or short-duration.

Since I'm volunteering / putting on-the-spot a number of other people, please:
- Email me back (publicly or privately!) if you'd be willing to serve.
  - If not, I'd appreciate it if you nominate someone else from your organization who could serve.
- As necessary, send separate nominations for people I've overlooked who should additionally be on the PMC.
- Let me know if I'm way off base!

Apologies in advance if I've omitted any stakeholders (or mentally accounted a person to the wrong person): it was not intentional and I would be happy to correct my mistake.

Over the next few days, I would like to get a slate of accepted nominations and convince at least one nominee to call a vote to officially form the GridCF.

My original goal is to start a vote on *Friday* with a target of closing it on *Monday*.  However, if anyone in the list above is on vacation or traveling, we can certainly delay a few days!

Many thanks!  Again, sorry for the overly-bureacratic start here: I hope it'll smooth out quickly.


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