[Gt-eos] Launching the GridCF

Oliver Keeble oliver.keeble at cern.ch
Tue Nov 7 13:44:07 CET 2017

Hi Frank,

On 07/11/17 12:05, Frank Scheiner wrote:
> Dear Oliver, Brian, all,
> On 11/01/2017 05:09 PM, Oliver Keeble wrote:
>> [...]
>> About timelines, from reading the following
>> https://github.com/globus/globus-toolkit/blob/globus_6_branch/support-changes.md 
>> I conclude that the Globus github repo isn't going anywhere, neither 
>> in Jan nor Dec next year. Thus for us at least, the Jan 2018 deadline 
>> is pretty weak, I would favour waiting until then before forking and 
>> running through a first release.
> I like to disagree a little bit with the last two sentences for the 
> following reasons:
> I assume most users outside of our "circle" are not aware, that the 
> first deadline is not the final deadline for the Globus Toolkit and 
> hence might consider it already dead after that date.
> So it might be much too late to spread the word through a release during 
> 2018 or even in 2019 after the final deadline.
> So if we manage to push out a release - even with only minimal 
> changes/fixes/updates, maybe just a little polished - before this 
> deadline, we would give a bold and assuring statement, that the gridcf 
> is taking over (development and) support and users can continue to rely 
> on the former known Globus Toolkit - now in the form of gct - as 
> technology for their needs.
> I think the earlier we make a sound, the more people can be dragged to 
> our cause and the more people can be reassured in keeping the gct as 
> technology.

This is an interesting comment, as I think it reveals a rather different 
perspective from the one we have here at CERN at least. Our intention is 
not to encourage people to use gct at all - instead, we want to keep it 
working for as long as it takes our community to find alternatives.



> Cheers,
> Frank
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Oliver Keeble                      Information Technology Department
oliver.keeble at cern.ch                                           CERN
+41 75 411 5965                                    CH-1211 Geneva 23

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