[Gt-eos] gct and gsissh

Basney, Jim jbasney at illinois.edu
Thu Nov 30 19:21:07 CET 2017

Hi all,

Thanks for the comments so far. I’m not seeing any strong objections on my proposal to focus our efforts on the EPEL/Fedora version of gsi-openssh and abandon the Globus Toolkit version. I think that means we don’t want to fork https://github.com/globus/gsi-openssh into https://github.com/gridcf but I’m unclear on what if anything needs to be in https://github.com/gridcf for Mattias to continue maintaining the EPEL/Fedora version. Maybe already the sources are in a Fedora repo so nothing related to gsi-openssh is needed in https://github.com/gridcf?

In any case I think we’re all agreed the old, no-longer-used gsi_openssh.gt6.diff referred to in https://github.com/gridcf/gct/pull/5 can be deleted.


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