[Gt-eos] New globus-gssapi-gsi version default to TLSv1.2

Maarten Litmaath Maarten.Litmaath at cern.ch
Wed Oct 17 13:51:57 CEST 2018

Hi Paul,
if dCache runs with an old Java, it would not support TLS v1.2, right?

There may be no dCache instance with such an old Java,
but we just ask admins to check their services.

From: Gt-eos [gt-eos-bounces at mailman.egi.eu] on behalf of Paul Millar [paul.millar at desy.de]
Sent: 17 October 2018 13:34
To: gt-eos at mailman.egi.eu
Subject: Re: [Gt-eos] New globus-gssapi-gsi version default to TLSv1.2

Hi Maarten,

On 17/10/2018 11:33, Maarten Litmaath wrote:
> https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/WLCGOpsMinutes181011#Important_notice_concerning_the

The message suggests that dCache is affected, which is not true.

I'd be grateful if you could update the message to avoid suggesting this.


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