[Gt-eos] GridCF communication channels

Mischa Salle msalle at nikhef.nl
Wed Oct 17 22:59:37 CEST 2018

On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 10:33:24PM +0200, Frank Scheiner wrote:

> Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, although already then I wondered where the
> string "GridCF" could be found in the packages meta data.
It's actually (still) there in the description, but between (), perhaps
that's the issue?

> > A valid search string now seems to be
> >      https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=buster&searchon=all&keywords=Grid%20Community%20Forum
> > but this is not ideal since it doesn't seem to look for the string as a
> > whole. It would be good if we could refer to some form of tag or so.
> We should ask Mattias for suggestions.

I agree, I think he's on this list actually?


Nikhef                      Room  H155
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