[Gt-eos] gct and gsissh

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Thu Sep 6 17:56:33 CEST 2018

Hi all,

...and Christmas came in between...

I think we never really finished this discussion.

And recently the question about the status of GSI-OpenSSH came up in 
PRACE. The GSI-OpenSSH repo on Github ([1]) is still based on OpenSSH 
7.5p1 and no commit has been made there since September 2017. 
Consequently the current GCT still builds a source package for 
GSI-OpenSSH based on OpenSSH 7.5.p1 where OpenSSH 7.8p1 is already out.

[1]: https://github.com/globus/gsi-openssh

I'll try to summarize the points so far - please correct me if I'm wrong 

* Trying to get the GSI patch upstream into OpenSSH is a lost cause. 
Same for the other patches.

* The current version of GSI-OpenSSH "available from" the Globus Toolkit 
and the current GCT is based on OpenSSH 7.5p1 and includes (1) the HPN 
patches, (2) the iSSHD patches on top of the HPN patches, (3) the GSI 
patches on top of the iSSHD patches and (4) the Fedora OpenSSL 1.1 
support patch on top of it all.

* The EPEL/Fedora versions of GSI-OpenSSH that Mattias maintains are 
based on the OpenSSH versions used in the respective EPEL/Fedora release 
and contain all of the above minus the HPN and iSSHD patches and minus 
the parts of the GSI patch that are already included in the EPEL/Fedora 
versions of OpenSSH.

* Jim proposed to focus on the EPEL/Fedora version(s) of Mattias


So what are the next steps?

Should we remove GSI-OpenSSH from the GCT? Although I personally 
consider gsiscp and gsisftp (even with HPN patches) inferior to GridFTP 
clients, they are certainly useful and users are usually already 
familiar with the non-GSI versions.

Should we switch to Mattias' version(s)? But how can we include this, as 
the development happens in Fedora I assume?

Where should we point users for the GSI-OpenSSH source and for support 
in the future?


Frank Scheiner

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Department Project User Management & Accounting

Email: scheiner at hlrs.de
Phone: +49 711 685 68039

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