[Gt-eos] Fwd: New globus-gssapi-gsi version default to TLSv1.2

Brian Bockelman bbockelm at cse.unl.edu
Fri Sep 21 18:11:45 CEST 2018

> On Sep 21, 2018, at 10:58 AM, andrea <andrea.manzi at cern.ch> wrote:
> Hi Brian
>> Hi Andrea,
>> To be clear - Bestman is past end-of-support (security or otherwise).  It might be that any remaining sites might simply lose the ability to transfer as things roll out.
>> Now, that's easy to say but hard to actually pull off!  Who are the sites affected so we can better reach out and help smooth the transition?
> CERN is one of the sites...still we use Bestman+EOS for LHCb and other VOs

Congratulations, you inherited the support of a TLS server-side implementation. ;)

> there are also 2 Bestmans from USATLAS  srm://atlas.bu.edu <srm://atlas.bu.edu> and srm://gk03.atlas-swt2.org <srm://gk03.atlas-swt2.org>

I sent out an urgent note to the USATLAS facilities list this morning.  We'll see what action plan they'd like to implement.

That said, I don't see what can be feasibly done.  FTS3 can lock its client version, but I assume all the other clients will start to upgrade over the next few weeks.

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