[Gt-eos] gct and gsissh

Mischa Salle msalle at nikhef.nl
Tue Nov 28 11:06:20 CET 2017

Hi Jim, others,

two things, one in response to your email.
Do you have any idea of the (size of the) user group of the two patches?
My naive guess would be that (almost) all people use the 'standard'
version, but it would be a pity if that turns out not to be the case.
Would it be feasible and perhaps more useful to merge them into the
'EPEL' gsissh?

Secondly, and related, Matyas in https://github.com/gridcf/gct/pull/5
suggests to remove a large seemingly unused patch. Is that the grand
unified patch for gsissh? It might be nice to keep that at least
somewhere as background info, whether the gct is the right place for it
I don't know, perhaps in some separate directory, what do you think?


On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 03:40:32PM +0000, Jim Basney wrote:
> Hi,
> What’s our gct plan for gsissh? Currently the Globus Toolkit uses [1].
> Mattias separately maintains EPEL/Fedora packages [2]. The Globus
> Toolkit version contains extra patches, particularly PSC’s HPN [3] for
> improved scp performance and NERSC’s iSSHD [4] for user activity
> auditing. In my opinion, these extra patches are not critical for gct.
> For the sake of simplicity and compatibility with EPEL, I propose that
> gct should use Mattias’ packages/sources and we let support for the
> Globus Toolkit version end. Venkat and I are happy to assist as
> needed.
> Mattias, do you agree? Did I miss any details?
> What does everyone think? Anyone want to argue for inclusion of HPN and/or iSSHD in gct?
> Regards,
> Jim
> [1] https://github.com/globus/gsi-openssh
> [2] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/gsi-openssh
> [3] https://www.psc.edu/index.php/hpn-ssh
> [4] https://github.com/set-element/openssh-hpn-isshd
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