[Gt-eos] gtk source repo location

Brian Bockelman bbockelm at cse.unl.edu
Thu Oct 26 13:44:27 CEST 2017


As I mentioned earlier in the thread, this vote isn't binding or meant to provide much more than opinion gathering.

That said, given the responses to Mats' survey and the discussion, I would propose the following four items:

- We create a github organization and corresponding web presence for "gridcf"
- We adopt a relatively open model of contribution, loosely modeled on Apache's process.  Adapt the Apache process to reflect the fact we're much smaller and likely more resource constrained.
- We fork the globus-toolkit repository into one called "gct" in the "gridcf" organization.
- Other than clearly identifying the gct as (a) forked/derived from the Globus Toolkit and (b) *not* from the Globus Alliance, we otherwise do not rename packages, tools, source code internals, change licenses, etc.

After those four high-level items, there is the actual technical work to sort out ... we can do a separate thread.

Obviously, not everyone got their first choice.  Please let me know if you disagree with any of the above items to the point where it would affect your ability to participate in the GridCF.  If you don't want to express concerns in this public forum, please feel free to email me directly and I'll provide the list with a summary of the private feedback.

I'd prefer to hear all feedback by 17:00PM PST on Friday so we can execute the above items and start Monday fresh with the technical work!


> On Oct 25, 2017, at 10:01 AM, Mátyás Selmeci <matyas at cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
> Poll results are in; we got 8 responses (not including the one that said "test please ignore" or something to that effect):
> For organization name, gridcf (grid community forum) won with 5 votes; other choices that received 1 vote each:
> gridsf (grid software forum)
> grid-community-forum
> gridtools or gridcommunity
> For repo name, gct (grid community toolkit) won with 3 votes; other choices that received 1 vote each:
> ggt (global grid toolkit)
> open-grid-toolkit
> opengtk (open grid toolkit)
> cgt (community grid toolkit) (in use by "Computational Graph Toolkit" joschu/cgt)
> opengt (open grid toolkit) (in use by "Open Geo Tracker" zver/opengt)
> Thanks for voting!
> -Mat
> On 10/19/17 13:04, Mátyás Selmeci wrote:
>> Hi folks!
>> While this is an important question, we shouldn't take too long in making a decision since we can't get any work started until we've made a repo.
>> I created a Google Form at https://goo.gl/forms/j1RcaoPZUlHt8wnx1 <https://goo.gl/forms/j1RcaoPZUlHt8wnx1> for voting on an organization name and a repo name, incorporating the suggestions I've seen in this email thread. You can add your own responses if you really don't like any of the options, but please use GitHub search to check for name availability (look at the "Users" tab of the search results).
>> I will send the results back to this list next Wednesday (Oct. 25).
>> Thanks,
>> -Mat
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