[Gt-eos] gtk source repo location

Mátyás Selmeci matyas at cs.wisc.edu
Wed Oct 25 17:01:25 CEST 2017

Poll results are in; we got 8 responses (not including the one that said 
"test please ignore" or something to that effect):

For organization name, gridcf (grid community forum) won with 5 votes; 
other choices that received 1 vote each:

  * gridsf (grid software forum)
  * grid-community-forum
  * gridtools or gridcommunity

For repo name, gct (grid community toolkit) won with 3 votes; other 
choices that received 1 vote each:

  * ggt (global grid toolkit)
  * open-grid-toolkit
  * opengtk (open grid toolkit)
  * cgt (community grid toolkit) (in use by "Computational Graph
    Toolkit" joschu/cgt)
  * opengt (open grid toolkit) (in use by "Open Geo Tracker" zver/opengt)

Thanks for voting!


On 10/19/17 13:04, Mátyás Selmeci wrote:
> Hi folks!
> While this is an important question, we shouldn't take too long in 
> making a decision since we can't get any work started until we've made 
> a repo.
> I created a Google Form at https://goo.gl/forms/j1RcaoPZUlHt8wnx1 for 
> voting on an organization name and a repo name, incorporating the 
> suggestions I've seen in this email thread. You can add your own 
> responses if you really don't like any of the options, but please use 
> GitHub search to check for name availability (look at the "Users" tab 
> of the search results).
> I will send the results back to this list next Wednesday (Oct. 25).
> Thanks,
> -Mat
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