[Gt-eos] ready to tag

Maarten Litmaath Maarten.Litmaath at cern.ch
Fri Oct 19 18:13:16 CEST 2018

Hi all,

> Now that Mattias has made EPEL and Debian packages from the current
> builds, I think we're finally ready to tag a release. Does anybody have
> an objection to the version 6.0.1? I'd like to keep the "6.0" for now to
> emphasize that we're still compatible with that version of the Globus
> Toolkit.

Will there be a Globus 6.1 or 7.0 at some point, that some of our customers
could be exposed to?  If so, it would lead to confusion sooner or later.

Should we better start our releases with 1.0.0 instead and mention desired
compatibility details in the release notes?

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