[Gt-eos] ready to tag

Mátyás Selmeci matyas at cs.wisc.edu
Fri Oct 19 18:34:27 CEST 2018

Sorry, looks like we might not be able to use 6.0.1 because the "micro"
version number is actually the timestamp of the latest commit, which
gets added to the version of the "gct" tarball.

The version "6.0" gets embedded in several places in the code, most
notably as the GLOBUS_VERSION environment variable and the script
"/usr/bin/globus-version", so we'll have to try out 6.1 first to make
sure it doesn't cause any problems.


-------- Original Message --------
From: Mátyás Selmeci
Sent: Fri, Oct 19, 2018 10:53 AM CDT
Subject: ready to tag

Hi all,

Now that Mattias has made EPEL and Debian packages from the current
builds, I think we're finally ready to tag a release. Does anybody have
an objection to the version 6.0.1? I'd like to keep the "6.0" for now to
emphasize that we're still compatible with that version of the Globus


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