[Discuss] Regarding gridcf/gct-documention

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Thu Jul 25 11:52:29 CEST 2019

Hi Brian, Mátyás, Mattias, Mischa,

say, do we still need the gridcf/gct-documention repo at [1]?

[1]: https://github.com/gridcf/gct-documentation

I find it a little irritating to have two similarly named repos in the 
gridcf project namespace.

If this is meant to have a copy of the Globus Toolkit documentation 
before our changes just in case it vanishes sometime in the future, 
wouldn't it be better to (1) rename it to "gt-documentation" and (2) to 
make it r/o and archive it?


Frank Scheiner

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Department Project User Management & Accounting

Email: scheiner at hlrs.de
Phone: +49 711 685 68039

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