[Discuss] UberFTP?

Mátyás Selmeci matyas at cs.wisc.edu
Thu Jan 9 16:44:39 CET 2020

On 4/1/19 10:33 AM, Mischa Salle via Gt-eos wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 04:33:59PM +0100, End of Support of Globus Toolkit wrote:
>>> I don't know if Jason Alt wants to keep maintaining it, I think he still
>>> works for Globus, but since they are moving away from RFC3820, uberftp
>>> is no longer useful there. If not it would make sense to incorporate it
>>> under https://github.com/gridcf It does seem like Mattias has also
>>> dropped it from Fedora? https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?packages=uberftp
>>> But it's still in EPEL7.
>> The point of contact for the uberftp package in Fedora/EPEL is not me
>> but Steve Traylen. It is still there.
> Ah, thanks. I got confused because of the bodhi page, which had your
> name on top.
>> You linked to the list of updates on bodhi.fedoraproject.org. This list
>> contains updates to stable Fedora releases. Since there hasn't been any
>> source updates to the package for a long time, the only builds that
>> have happened are the rebuilds for new Fedora releases before they
>> become stable. These builds do not appear in the list of updates to
>> stable releases.
>> But the regular rebuilds every 6 month or so for each Fedora release
>> has happened:
>> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=8927
> I should have realised that, sorry. I always get a bit confused how the
> workflows are tracked in Fedora... (for others, you can also use
> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=uberftp which
> is easier to remember...)
> The question remains, what do we do with it. It's certainly a useful
> tool, should we try to 'adopt' the code? If there is someone who
> personally knows Jason Alt...?
>     Cheers,
>     Mischa
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Sorry for the thread necromancy but the UberFTP GitHub repo 
(https://github.com/JasonAlt/UberFTP) has been explicitly
archived by the owner, which IMO gives us the license
to adopt it.  Are we willing to do that?  It would be good
to have some sort of upstream if EPEL/Fedora are going to
continue carrying it.


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