[Discuss] [GCT] TLS v1.3 is here!

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Thu May 20 18:04:15 CEST 2021

Dear community,

well, it's already in the GCT master branch for a while, but we haven't 
yet communicated it explicitly. So here it is:

We are pleased to announce that the GCT with [PR#150] now also supports 
TLS v1.3!

\o/ \o/ \o/

[PR#150]: https://github.com/gridcf/gct/pull/150

Credits and compliments go to Mattias Ellert who made this possible.


This is already tested to work with GridFTP (server and clients 
(`globus-url-copy` **and** `uberftp`) on openSUSE Leap 15.2). Fallback 
to TLS v1.2 with clients that can't do TLS v1.3 did also work during 
testing. The new functionality is available since "globus-gssapi-gsi" 
v14.15 and "globus-gss-assist" v12.5.

Ready-made RPM packages for testing including these changes are 
available for:

* SUSE from [1] (choose distribution and then "Add repository and 
install manually")

* CentOS 8 from [2] ("Add repository and install manually")



The RPM source for CentOS 8 only provides the updated 
"globus-gssapi-gsi" and "globus-gss-assist" packages and you should be 
able to just enable this RPM source on top of your existing RPM sources 
and to issue a `yum update` to allow for TLS v1.3.

For CentOS and Scientific Linux 7 it's more complex, as existing GCT 
packages are linked against OpenSSL 1.0.x. So for CentOS and Scientific 
Linux 7 at least all GCT packages linked against OpenSSL 1.0.x need to 
be rebuilt and linked against OpenSSL 1.1.x. If you need TLS v1.3 on 
CentOS or Scientific Linux 7, we can look into enabling this for 
testing. Just let us know.

Best regards,
The GridCF

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