[Discuss] [GCT] TLS v1.3 is here!

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Thu May 27 13:49:20 CEST 2021

Hi Paul,

On 20.05.21 21:36, Paul Millar via discuss wrote:
> Hi "GridCF",
> On 20/05/2021 18:04, Frank Scheiner via discuss wrote:
>> We are pleased to announce that the GCT with [PR#150] now also 
>> supports TLS v1.3!
> Excellent!

The GridCF says: "You're welcome!" :-)

>> This is already tested to work with GridFTP (server and clients 
>> (`globus-url-copy` **and** `uberftp`) on openSUSE Leap 15.2).
> I would be very interested to help out with testing this against dCache.
> dCache provides (I believe) the only independent implementation of 
> GridFTP; i.e., one that is not derived from Globus Toolkit.
> I can offer the endpoint prometheus.desy.de for testing, as this 
> instance is made available specifically for client testing.
> Unfortunately, I don't have the time to test the new version myself, but 
> I can facilitate testing if someone is willing to run the client and 
> exercise some transfers.
> Please let me know if you are interested in helping out.

Count me in! Just checked, my DFN-signed credentials are (still) working 
for prometheus.


> Cheers,
> Paul.
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Frank Scheiner

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Department Project User Management & Accounting

Email: scheiner at hlrs.de
Phone: +49 711 685 68039

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