[Discuss] Seeking new GCT source tarball host

Brian Lin blin at cs.wisc.edu
Tue Jun 7 14:49:37 CEST 2022

Hi Ben,

On 6/7/22 04:08, Benjamin Jacobs wrote:
> On 03/06/2022, Brian Lin <blin at cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Frank,
>> On 6/3/22 10:34, Frank Scheiner via discuss wrote:
>>> @Mat:
>>> Can you please initiate these DNS changes?
>> Mat's OOO today so I've added the _acme-challenge.repo.gridcf.org ->
>> _acme-challenge.repo.gridcf.org.acme-egi.ops.egi.eu CNAME.
>> - Brian
> Good morning,
> I'm afraid that the record is still absent.
> Could you maybe have another look at cloudflare's config ?
> Looking at google images for cloudflare dns, I believe that the
> webui should be filled as follow:
> type: "CNAME"
> name: "_acme-challenge.repo"
> value: "_acme-challenge.repo.gridcf.org.acme-egi.ops.egi.eu."
> ttl: whatever

Apologies, it should be fixed now. dig looks good on my end, too.

- Brian

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