[Discuss] Seeking new GCT source tarball host

Benjamin Jacobs benjamin.jacobs at egi.eu
Tue Jun 7 16:00:56 CEST 2022

On 07/06/2022, Brian Lin <blin at cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> Apologies, it should be fixed now. dig looks good on my end, too.

Hi Brian,


The certificate has been re-issued with the right CN and alternates;
now you can switch whenever you want.

Please mail us at it-support at egi.eu for adding other sftp keys, we
ought to be able to cross check it with you somehow*.

FYI we will keep daily backups of the archive files during 1 year.

We will see what we can to grant you access to access log statistics,
though nothing to be expected until a couple of months, at
least. Until then, please mail us if you need them.

Have a nice week,


*: I need to setup a real mua to configure gpg, I'm sure that Baptiste
   will be able to sort the trust checking issues in the mean time.

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