[Discuss] Seeking new GCT source tarball host

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Tue May 24 17:19:20 CEST 2022

Dear Alessandro, Benjamin, Mattias, Mat,

On 23.05.22 08:49, Alessandro Paolini via discuss wrote:
> Dear all,
> We agreed to provide a simple http repo with sftp access.
> To finalize the setup, we would need a person of contact

I'd go with two persons from the GridCF so we're also covered during 
vacations or so.

I'd volunteer to be one of it. And maybe Mattias wants to be the other 
one, assuming we both as maintainers for EPEL/Fedora7Debian/Ubuntu and 
SUSE work the most with these files?

Or is this contact just needed for finalizing the setup of the new HTTP 
repo. Then this should most likely be Mat.

>, one or more 
> ssh public keys,

Having direct access to the repo would be useful, too. I created a new 
key pair for that and my corresponding public key is attached. This 
message is signed with my DFN Grid cert. If you can't verify my 
signature, the CA/signer certificate should be included in [1].


For the transfers from the CI builds we can (1) either reuse the 
existing keys in which case Mat needs to only provide the public key for 
the ID_GRIDCF_UPLOADER key or (2) create a new one from scratch. 1. 
might be the easiest way.

> and someone to update the gridcf.org 
> <http://gridcf.org/> dns zone.

I cannot do that. But Mat could maybe do that? But I assume he needs the 
new IP address?

All the best,

Frank Scheiner

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Department Project User Management & Accounting

Email: scheiner at hlrs.de
Phone: +49 711 685 68039
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