[Discuss] Seeking new GCT source tarball host

Benjamin Jacobs benjamin.jacobs at egi.eu
Tue Sep 27 09:20:00 CEST 2022


It seems to work, nothing to report on my side except some 404s that
look like uscan(1)
or similar trying to find if a new version is released.

Best regards,

"GET /gct6/sources/gct-6.2.1629922861.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-"
"Wget/1.20.3 (linux-gnu)"
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-6.2.1629922862.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-"
"Wget/1.20.3 (linux-gnu)"
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-6.3.0.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-6.3.1.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-6.4.0.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-6.4.1.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-7.0.0.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-7.0.1.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-7.1.0.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-8.0.0.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-8.0.1.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3
"GET /gct6/sources/gct-8.1.0.tar.gz HTTP/2.0" 404 114 "-" "Wget/1.20.3

On 26/09/2022, Mátyás Selmeci <matyas at cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
> DNS switchover is done.  Well, everything's being proxied through
> Cloudflare so actually I just changed the proxy settings.  I shut
> off the old host and everything's working as far as I can tell,
> but let me know if you run into any issues.
> Thanks,
> -Mat
> On 9/20/2022 11:16 AM, Mátyás Selmeci wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> We could do it on Monday 9/26, it's a quick operation.
>> This doesn't block the DNS switchover, but we should also transfer
>> ownership of the gridcf.org domain name.  Who should own it?
>> Thanks,
>> -Mat
>> On 9/8/2022 9:01 AM, Frank Scheiner wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> ok, let's try that - see below for details - again. :-)
>>> @Brian, Mat:
>>> Please select a date when the switchover (DNS details on [1]) is
>>> possible for you and I will finalize the news entry.
>>> All the best,
>>> Frank
>>> [1]: https://mailman.egi.eu/pipermail/discuss/2022-May/000410.html
>>> On 21.07.22 15:34, Frank Scheiner wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> the switchover between OSG repo and EGI repo still needs to be done.
>>>> I'd
>>>> propose sometime next week as date for it, e.g.:
>>>> Thursday, 2022-07-28
>>>> ...if that would work for you, so we still have Friday if something
>>>> goes
>>>> wrong.
>>>> Would you agree? Then I can also create a small news entry about the
>>>> switchover for gridcf.org, just in case some user wants to download
>>>> source tarballs right in the middle of the switchover, though I don't
>>>> expect that to be a problem.
>>>> ****
>>>> In the meantime I have created a new SSH key pair for CI uploads and
>>>> already replaced the ID_GRIDCF_UPLOADER private key at GitHub with the
>>>> new one. A new UberFTP release is on the table, so we can test the CI
>>>> uploads right after the switchover.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Frank
>>>> On 07.06.22 16:00, Benjamin Jacobs wrote:
>>>>> On 07/06/2022, Brian Lin <blin at cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ben,
>>>>>> Apologies, it should be fixed now. dig looks good on my end, too.
>>>>> Hi Brian,
>>>>> Perfect!
>>>>> The certificate has been re-issued with the right CN and alternates;
>>>>> now you can switch whenever you want.
>>>>> Please mail us at it-support at egi.eu for adding other sftp keys, we
>>>>> ought to be able to cross check it with you somehow*.
>>>>> FYI we will keep daily backups of the archive files during 1 year.
>>>>> We will see what we can to grant you access to access log statistics,
>>>>> though nothing to be expected until a couple of months, at
>>>>> least. Until then, please mail us if you need them.
>>>>> Have a nice week,
>>>>> Benjamin
>>>>> *: I need to setup a real mua to configure gpg, I'm sure that Baptiste
>>>>>       will be able to sort the trust checking issues in the mean time.

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