[Discuss] Seeking new GCT source tarball host

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Thu Sep 29 16:25:13 CEST 2022

Hi all,

sorry for my no reaction last week, but I was on sick leave. Thanks for 
performing the switchover.

On 27.09.22 09:20, Benjamin Jacobs wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems to work, nothing to report on my side except some 404s that
> look like uscan(1)
> or similar trying to find if a new version is released.
> Best regards,
> Benjamin
> On 26/09/2022, Mátyás Selmeci <matyas at cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
>> DNS switchover is done.  Well, everything's being proxied through
>> Cloudflare so actually I just changed the proxy settings.  I shut
>> off the old host and everything's working as far as I can tell,
>> but let me know if you run into any issues.

About proxying through Cloudflare: Who is currently covering the costs 
for this?

>> On 9/20/2022 11:16 AM, Mátyás Selmeci wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> We could do it on Monday 9/26, it's a quick operation.
>>> This doesn't block the DNS switchover, but we should also transfer
>>> ownership of the gridcf.org domain name.  Who should own it?

Well, I actually don't know, but can EGI own it?


Frank Scheiner

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Department Project User Management & Accounting

Email: scheiner at hlrs.de
Phone: +49 711 685 68039
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