Understanding How to Implement a Custom Client

Brown, Joshua brownjs at ornl.gov
Tue Sep 27 18:03:38 CEST 2022


I'm trying to create a custom client to use with GridFTP, I was hoping the community could point me in a good direction for getting started. I have been looking at the source code which is fairly well documented, but am unsure how to implement something really basic that conducts a transfer between two servers.

I didn't know if anyone had a useful basic blog post showing how to do this, or if there was a particular example in the source code that I should be looking at, really anything would be helpful.

What I am trying to do is have my application working as a client to a GridFTP server. My application asks the GridFTP server to execute a transfer between itself and another GridFTP server.


Joshua S. Brown
Software Engineer
Data Lifecycle and Scalable Workflows Group

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Office: 865.341.1896  |  Mobile: 720-645-6846
brownjs at ornl.gov  |  https://www.ornl.gov/staff-profile/joshua-s-brown

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