[Discuss] Understanding How to Implement a Custom Client

Mischa Salle msalle at nikhef.nl
Wed Sep 28 17:56:07 CEST 2022

Hi Joshua,

On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 04:03:38PM +0000, Brown, Joshua via discuss wrote:
> I'm trying to create a custom client to use with GridFTP, I was hoping the community could point me in a good direction for getting started. I have been looking at the source code which is fairly well documented, but am unsure how to implement something really basic that conducts a transfer between two servers.
> I didn't know if anyone had a useful basic blog post showing how to do this, or if there was a particular example in the source code that I should be looking at, really anything would be helpful.

I'm not aware of any examples or blogs. Others might though...

The client code is all in
which is the client library, see e.g. globus_ftp_client.h

It's used by e.g. globus-url-copy, which lives in the gass subdirectory
of the gct:
That code is probably the easiest to check and see how to use the client
library to build a client.

Another client is uberftp, also now under the GCT:
but it is more standalone.

Hope this is (a little bit) helpful?


> Context
> What I am trying to do is have my application working as a client to a GridFTP server. My application asks the GridFTP server to execute a transfer between itself and another GridFTP server.
> Best,
> Joshua S. Brown
> Software Engineer
> Data Lifecycle and Scalable Workflows Group
> Oak Ridge National Laboratory
> Office: 865.341.1896  |  Mobile: 720-645-6846
> brownjs at ornl.gov  |  https://www.ornl.gov/staff-profile/joshua-s-brown

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