[Discuss] GCT 6.2.20240202 released

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Fri Feb 16 10:42:46 CET 2024

Dear community,

the GridCF is pleased to announce a new release of the GCT: GCT version 
6.2.20240202 is a maintenance release and includes all changes since the 
last maintenance release in June 2022.

# GCT 6.2.20240202 (maintenance release) #

## Changes ##

globus-gridftp-server 13.25:
* Fix buffer overflow in test (#205)

globus_gsi_cert_utils 10.11:
* Replace make_time function to work after 2050 (#208, #209)

globus_gsi_credential 8.4:
* Replace make_time function to work after 2050 (#208, #209)

myproxy 6.2.16:
* Avoid calling the undeclared exit function in configure (#211)
* Fix compilation errors from stricter type checking (#222)

globus-common 18.14:
* Remove register qualifier that is incompatible with C++ 17 (#213)

globus-rsl 11.4:
* Make library linking survive -Wl,--as-needed (#217)

globus_gsi_sysconfig 9.6:
* Remove extra comma (#204, #218)

globus-gass-copy 10.13:
* Detect checksum calculation errors due to file read errors (#215, #216)

gsi-openssh 9.3p1c:
* Add missing header file in kexgexc.c and remove it from kexgex.c 
(#207, #210)
* Include GSI-OpenSSH 9.3p1 w/HPN 15.2 from Fedora 39 (#221)

## Removals ##

myproxy-oauth (#201)

## News ##

### GSI-OpenSSH ###

This version of the GCT includes GSI-OpenSSH 9.3p1 w/HPN 15.2 from 
Fedora 39 in its sources. Downstream the versions of the respective 
distributions are available. For Debian, GSI-OpenSSH packages based on 
the OpenSSH packages of Debian 11 are available from [the openSUSE Build 

**Usage is as follows:**

GSI-OpenSSH w/HPN packages for Debian GNU/Linux 11 based on OpenSSH 
8.4p1 are now  available from the openSUSE Build Service:



Follow [these 
with [the needed signing 
to allow installations from this repository.

### Build coverage ###

Since the last maintenance release we also extended our build coverage 
to Rocky Linux 9 and also enabled test builds for `arm64` in addition to 
`ppc64le` (both on [Travis 
CI](https://app.travis-ci.com/github/gridcf/gct?serverType=git)) and 
`x86_64`. With the expected end of life date for CentOS 7 and Scientific 
Linux (SL) 7 on 2024-06-30 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 going 
into extended life cycle support at the same time, this version of the 
GCT will also be the last version with support for CentOS 7, SL 7 and 
RHEL 7. Please switch to some newer release or alternative distribution.

## Commits ##


## Documentation ##

- Release: https://gridcf.org/gct-docs/latest/index.html
- API: https://gridcf.org/gct-docs/api/latest/index.html


**Corresponding CI build**



**Download URL for GCT full source tarball (i.e. Source Installer):**


**SHA512 hash of tarball:**


**NOTICE:** Singular source tarballs of GCT components can be found on 
https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/. New tarballs for this release are 
dated 2024-02-02 and also listed here:

* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_common-18.14.tar.gz
* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gass_copy-10.13.tar.gz
* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gridftp_server-13.25.tar.gz
* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gsi_cert_utils-10.11.tar.gz
* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gsi_credential-8.4.tar.gz
* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_gsi_sysconfig-9.6.tar.gz
* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/globus_rsl-11.4.tar.gz
* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/gsi-openssh-9.3p1c.tar.gz
* https://repo.gridcf.org/gct6/sources/myproxy-6.2.16.tar.gz


**Packages are available from:**

* [Debian](https://www.debian.org/) (for Debian unstable (Sid), 
excluding gsi-openssh)
* [EPEL](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL) (for Red Hat Enterprise 
Linux 7, 8 and 9 and CentOS 7, CentOS Stream 8 and 9, RockyLinux 8 and 9 
and Scientific Linux 7)
* [Fedora](https://fedoraproject.org/) (for Fedora 38, 39 and 40)
* [openSUSE Build 
(for SLES 12 (SP5), 15 (SP2), 15 (SP3) and OpenSUSE Leap 15.4 and 15.5)


All details about this release can also be found on the corresponding 
GitHub releases page ([1])

[1]: https://github.com/gridcf/gct/releases/tag/v6.2.20240202

Best regards,
The GridCF

Frank Scheiner

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Department Project User Management & Accounting

Email: scheiner at hlrs.de
Phone: +49 711 685 68039
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