[Gt-eos] GT Documentation and mailing lists

Frank Scheiner scheiner at hlrs.de
Wed Nov 22 12:32:34 CET 2017

Dear all,

we haven't yet talked about the Globus Toolkit (1) documentation and (2) 
mailing list archives.

## (1) Documentation ##

I assume the relevant information for our version will be [1].

[1]: http://toolkit.globus.org/toolkit/docs/6.0/

Should we also preserve documentation for older GT versions?

I think there is no issue for documentation parts that can be generated 
from the source code, like for example manpages.

I couldn't find any license information regarding the remaining 
documentation. So what do others think, can we make use of this 
documentation as is, i.e. can we host it under our gridcf umbrella? 
Maybe someone close with Globus people could ask them if and how we can 
reuse it.

If we can have it as is, the question is, where to host this 
information? I could think of (a) a subdirectory on the gridcf web site 
or (b) the wiki of the gct repo. (a) might be better suited to mimic the 
original structure and can also be better tailored to our needs I assume.

## (2) Mailing lists ##

There are/were multiple available. I know at least of the following ones:

* https://lists.globus.org/mailman/listinfo/gt-dev
* https://lists.globus.org/mailman/listinfo/gt-user
* https://lists.globus.org/mailman/listinfo/gt-announce
* https://lists.globus.org/mailman/listinfo/gridftp-user

Especially the gt-user and gridftp-user list archives could still be 
helpful. And the gt-dev archives might also contain helpful information.

I assume that these will be gone sometime in the future. So should we 
not try to preserve their content?

Here the question is, if the archives of these lists can be preserved by 
us? I'm unsure if there are any legal issues, as the mailing list users 
only have a opted in for those Globus lists and might not welcome it if 
other parties archive their posts. And we also need the consent of 
Globus I believe.

Last, should we also create mailing lists of our own for gct in addition 
to issue tracking via GitHub? It's certainly "easier" and I assume also 
more straightforward for a user to enlist or write to a mailing list 
than to create a GitHub account.


We could also first just ask for how long Globus will keep up both the 
documentation site and mailing list archives to get a better picture of 
how urgent this is.

What do you think?


Frank Scheiner

High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
Department Project User Management & Accounting

Email: scheiner at hlrs.de
Phone: +49 711 685 68039

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