[Gt-eos] Fwd: New globus-gssapi-gsi version default to TLSv1.2

Maarten Litmaath Maarten.Litmaath at cern.ch
Fri Sep 21 18:23:52 CEST 2018

Hi all,

>> That said, I don't see what can be feasibly done.  FTS3 can lock its client version, but 
>> I assume all the other clients will start to upgrade over the next few weeks.
> I see no reason for the minimum version to be set to TLS v1.2 _now_
> and I argue we need to have that changed back to what it was.
> That will give us time to explore what can be done about the services
> that do not currently support TLS v1.2 for whatever reason.

The change actually was announced in the EGI URT meeting of Sep 10:


But nobody who was present realized the potential implications for WLCG...

In the future we need to make sure that such _major_ changes are announced
in all relevant forums, including the WLCG Operations Coordination meeting.

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