[Gt-eos] Fwd: New globus-gssapi-gsi version default to TLSv1.2

Balazs Konya balazs.konya at hep.lu.se
Mon Sep 24 14:28:11 CEST 2018

hi Maarten ,all

On 2018.09.21. 18:23, Maarten Litmaath wrote:
> The change actually was announced in the EGI URT meeting of Sep 10:
>      https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/URT:Agenda-2018-09-10#Globus
> But nobody who was present realized the potential implications for WLCG...
> In the future we need to make sure that such _major_ changes are announced
> in all relevant forums, including the WLCG Operations Coordination meeting.

the announcement should contain a bit more info as well. i read the UMD meeting 
notes but did not dig into what exactly got changed with the globus-gssapi-gsi 

in general, i see a problem how these new packages going through the 
EPEL-testing phase without actually being tested/deployed at all.


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