[Gt-eos] GT Documentation and mailing lists

Baptiste Grenier baptiste.grenier at egi.eu
Wed Nov 22 14:26:32 CET 2017

Hi all,
Personally, I think that readthedocs with documentation put in GitHub might
be nice (or another static site generation using github pages).
Gitbook is quite nice but I think that with the free version the number of
collaborators is limited to 5 so this might be an issue.
With GitHub + readthedocs providing changes would just be a matter of
making PRs.


On 22 November 2017 at 14:01, Oliver Keeble <oliver.keeble at cern.ch> wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> What's the status of
> https://github.com/globus/globus-toolkit-documentation
> It looks complete, but hasn't been touched in a year. Not sure how easy it
> will be to generate a usable site from it.
> Oliver.
> On 22/11/17 12:32, Frank Scheiner wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> we haven't yet talked about the Globus Toolkit (1) documentation and (2)
>> mailing list archives.
>> ## (1) Documentation ##
>> I assume the relevant information for our version will be [1].
>> [1]: http://toolkit.globus.org/toolkit/docs/6.0/
>> Should we also preserve documentation for older GT versions?
>> I think there is no issue for documentation parts that can be generated
>> from the source code, like for example manpages.
>> I couldn't find any license information regarding the remaining
>> documentation. So what do others think, can we make use of this
>> documentation as is, i.e. can we host it under our gridcf umbrella? Maybe
>> someone close with Globus people could ask them if and how we can reuse it.
>> If we can have it as is, the question is, where to host this information?
>> I could think of (a) a subdirectory on the gridcf web site or (b) the wiki
>> of the gct repo. (a) might be better suited to mimic the original structure
>> and can also be better tailored to our needs I assume.
>> ## (2) Mailing lists ##
>> There are/were multiple available. I know at least of the following ones:
>> * https://lists.globus.org/mailman/listinfo/gt-dev
>> * https://lists.globus.org/mailman/listinfo/gt-user
>> * https://lists.globus.org/mailman/listinfo/gt-announce
>> * https://lists.globus.org/mailman/listinfo/gridftp-user
>> Especially the gt-user and gridftp-user list archives could still be
>> helpful. And the gt-dev archives might also contain helpful information.
>> I assume that these will be gone sometime in the future. So should we not
>> try to preserve their content?
>> Here the question is, if the archives of these lists can be preserved by
>> us? I'm unsure if there are any legal issues, as the mailing list users
>> only have a opted in for those Globus lists and might not welcome it if
>> other parties archive their posts. And we also need the consent of Globus I
>> believe.
>> Last, should we also create mailing lists of our own for gct in addition
>> to issue tracking via GitHub? It's certainly "easier" and I assume also
>> more straightforward for a user to enlist or write to a mailing list than
>> to create a GitHub account.
>> ****
>> We could also first just ask for how long Globus will keep up both the
>> documentation site and mailing list archives to get a better picture of how
>> urgent this is.
>> What do you think?
>> Cheers,
>> Frank
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> --
> Oliver Keeble                      Information Technology Department
> oliver.keeble at cern.ch                                           CERN
> +41 75 411 5965                                    CH-1211 Geneva 23
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> Gt-eos mailing list
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Baptiste Grenier
EGI Foundation - Operations Officer
Phone:              +31 627 860 852
Skype:         baptiste.grenier.egi
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