[Gt-eos] gtk source repo location

Mattias Ellert mattias.ellert at physics.uu.se
Mon Oct 23 11:00:04 CEST 2017

fre 2017-10-20 klockan 13:57 +0200 skrev Mischa Salle:
> Hi Baptiste, others,
> I think that whatever acronym we use, there probably is already a
> library with that name around. It's mostly important to prevent clashes
> with similar tools I think. I was wondering whether the term gsi is
> perhaps a good option instead of globus? So gsi-toolkit? It's known, not
> copyrighted or trademarked as far as I know, and I think most of our use
> of the globus-toolkit that we need has somewhere todo with GSI.
> There is by the way another important issue with not being able to use
> the word globus: it's in almost every library name in the toolkit. So if
> we want to/must remove it from there too, we need a rebuild of each
> globus-depending software product... It also could mean having all the
> products needing re-adoption into Fedora/EPEL and Debian.
>     Best wishes,
>     Mischa

Please do not consider changing library or package names.

Changing the library names would mean that every piece of software
using the the libraries must be rebuilt. Coordinating this would be a
major pain.

Changing package names would mean having new package reviews in the
distributions which would be a lot of unnecessary work. The toolkit is
not one package it is 58, and even if we decide to drop some pieces
having that number of packages re-reviewed to change the package names
would be a lot of unnecessary work.

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