[Gt-eos] gct and gsissh

Mattias Ellert mattias.ellert at physics.uu.se
Wed Dec 20 08:38:29 CET 2017

tor 2017-11-30 klockan 18:21 +0000 skrev Basney, Jim:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for the comments so far. I’m not seeing any strong objections
> on my proposal to focus our efforts on the EPEL/Fedora version of
> gsi-openssh and abandon the Globus Toolkit version. I think that
> means we don’t want to fork https://github.com/globus/gsi-openssh
> into https://github.com/gridcf but I’m unclear on what if anything
> needs to be in https://github.com/gridcf for Mattias to continue
> maintaining the EPEL/Fedora version. Maybe already the sources are in
> a Fedora repo so nothing related to gsi-openssh is needed in https://
> github.com/gridcf?
> In any case I think we’re all agreed the old, no-longer-used
> gsi_openssh.gt6.diff referred to in https://github.com/gridcf/gct/pul
> l/5 can be deleted.
> Thanks,
> Jim

The EPEL/Fedora packages for gsissh are, for each release, based on the
openssh package in that release. They contain the same patches as the
corresponding openssh package plus the gsi patch on top.

The reason for this is to minimize the maintenance work needed by
taking advantage of the maintenance done by the maintainers of the
openssh package.

Bug fixes, security fixes and other system integration that has been
done for the openssh package then also gets done for gsissh, thereby
minimizing the risk of the gsissh package leaving security issues and
bugs unfixed that are already fixed in the openssh package.

When there is an update of the openssh package I make a corresponding
update for the gsissh package with the same changes.

The gsi patch is these package are smaller than the one in GT upstream,
because part of the changes needed have already been made by the
existing Fedora openssh patches. The gsi patch itself doesn't change
much, but it did need some updates for the openssl 1.1 migration that I
ported from the changes made to the patch in the GT repo.

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